Building community resilience in food and nutrition security through agroecology (BCRFNSA) project

a group of women sitting around a table and working on a large plan officials in suits or uniforms standing in front of a building under a yellow sun cover and talking towards a not visible audience

The BCRFNSA is a two-year (2023-2025) project funded by OAK Foundation. It supports 300 farmer households in adopting and implementing agroecology and raising awareness of the impact of climate change. The project aims to improve food, nutrition, and income security, enhance appreciation of the value of agroecology by farmers and decision-makers, improve access to clean, renewable energy options, promote sustainable natural resources management and climate-resilient livelihoods among smallholder farmers in the Shimbizhi ward of Mumbwa district.

The project is addressing the following challenges;

  • Changing climatic conditions
  • Reduced yield due to land degradation and loss of soil fertility
  • Loss of traditional seed varieties
  • Limited access to farming inputs and extension
  • Over-reliance on synthetic fertilizers and chemicals