Green Living Movement
Green Living Movement (GLM) is a non-governmental organisation working in the area of environmental and social development through community participation.
GLM’s global vision is a sustainable environment and livelihoods in a poverty-free society.
GLM has adopted the philosophy of a Chinese revolutionary, Dr James Yen, as a guiding principle:
“Unless you enter the den, you cannot get the cubs. Go into the community, live humbly with the people as one of them, learn from them, plan with them, start with what they know and build on what they have.”
GLM Zambia
GLM was founded in Zambia in 2000 by a group of Zambian environmental and social development enthusiasts who were worried about the lack of environmental awareness and its links to poverty. GLM Zambia is the mother organisation of GLM Finland and Eswatini. The heart of GLM will always be in Zambia.
GLM Finland
GLM Finland was established in 2007 by Finns who had previously worked as volunteers at GLM Zambia. GLM Finland carries out a wide range of activities related to project planning, communication and fundraising to support the work of GLM Zambia and Eswatini.
GLM Eswatini
GLM Eswatini was founded in 2009 and it utilises the participatory working methods developed in Zambia. The civil society in Eswatini is still weak, and there is thus demand for NGOs working with environmental and social development.
GLM’s work focuses on rural communities. It strengthens the capacity and knowledge of the local communities to enable them to become managers of their own processes. GLM staff and volunteers from many parts of the world spend substantial amount of time living, learning, sharing and planning with communities.